Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Animated Storyboard

Our story board starts off with the main shot of our trailer, the time lapse in the underground, we the introduce disturbing drawings and pictures in shots 2 and 3, these will be flashes, quick takes then shot 4 showing a master shot of all the drawings in a intreging room. Shot 5 will be a first title. Then shot  6 goes back to the scene of the underground. Planned to be filming going down the esculator then revealing our main character the girl at the bottom.
in shot 7 we return to the time lapse where the girl will have moved forward closer to the camera but not too close. We will then flash back in shot 8 to the room skattered with drawings but this time the girl will be scribbling away. Following this will be 2 more titles. The transformation from shot 8 to 9 will be a fade or blur from the girls face in the underground time lapse blended perfectly using the grid effect on the camera to get this accurate into the same girl in her room.

shot 13 shows some of the disturbing images and drawings on the wall fluttering, dramatically lighted. This is then followed by the film title. After the screen will turn fuzzy like shown in the ring. It will the cut to an obver the sholder shot of 2 girls switching the trailer off. This is the twist of the trailer as you have read in the synopsis one of the girls realises that she is that girl. Then a quick flash will be shown "coming soon".

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