Wednesday, 14 December 2011


After playing about with screen shots taken from our teaser trailer we decided the quality wasn't good enough for use on our magazine cover. We decided to focus on the creation of the titles, backgrounds, and other ordinary features of a typical Virus magazine. We felt this would be best to focus on until we had taken our better quality photographs. We started to draw ideas from different elements of various magazines. 
On the Virus cover on the below and left the detail titles and snip its to what is enclosed inside for example what movies, reports, games, music etc. are located at the bottom of the poster in a very simple listed structure. This we found present on almost all the posters. Although we don't dislike this lay out we felt it was a bit dated but experimented in creating it anyway. After creating this section of text we felt it wasn't going to give our magazine cover the look we were hoping for but at the same time we wanted our cover to look like a real Virus mag. 

Doing some further research into virus magazine we came across a more current issue for Final Destination 5. We were intrigued by the new layout on the cover. We felt it looked alot more modern to the Hatchet cover and was what we had aspired ours to look like. We quickly started to experiment with the new layout of filling the text in a strip format. Finding a similar font and varying our text in size. On our poster i believe we have created a similar effect with great precision. 

On our design above we have incorporated both text ideas by having the strips down the side and also two lines along to bottom. This is not our final design so when our image is in place we will decided whether both are need or if only the strips down the left column are need to make the layout a success.

We then began to look into the smaller detailing such as the slat of blood shown on the Final Destination cover. WE again like this idea and wanted to create something similar. We came up with the idea of instead of having the splat displaying text like the one above saying 'JAMES WAN INTERVIEW' we would incorporate our previous task of creating a poster for our film and display this on our magazine cover. This using the cover as a promotion tool for 'Childhood'.

Finally we have used one of the barcodes from another poster with a blue them like our design. On all Virus magazines there is one set colour theme and we have chosen blue. This also ties in with the blue theme on our poster. Linking the two products together and helping make the connection between the poster and the cover more visable as different imagery is being used this helps tie them together.
If we have enough time we will recreate our own barcode to fit more with our own design.

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